Reconozco que no soy un observador común... intento penetrar en la obra, dilucidar su mensaje consciente y su mensaje subconsciente...
Sé que un collage no es un simple cortar, componer, pegar, pintar... No importan las técnicas utilizadas... El total de la obra, la obra terminada, es como una carta intima al corazón del observador...
En mi caso así la recibo y así la descifro, así la leo.
El texto de la izquierda... puesto para ser leído, es la apertura, con él se ingresa a este pequeño gran mundo que llamaré "Incógnitas del retrato"
Cada retrato es un misterio que se refleja, no solo en el rostro, también en todo el cuerpo de un personaje, es una unidad. He visto muchos retratos, variadas técnicas... No todos le dan al observador indicios del sentir del personaje retratado Ello sería la crítica principal expresada en el texto de apertura... No he buscado al pintor indicado pero cuando una crítica corta con el mejor filo suele tener razón.
Esta, su obra, me mueve a comentar que cuando las personas están al borde de un abismo se sostienen de un hilo y descubren que tienen una identidad, una serie de valores que antes no han visto. Que al pasar el rastrillo salen piedras y maleza y todo se va ordenando… como en un jardín. No obstante falta levantarse, como lo hace esta persona que veo en el fondo, donde el papel arrugado es como las cicatrices pero la fortaleza que se adquiere en ese hecho de levantarse, de reconocerse, de saberse único, hacen que el abismo, que aparecía como solución, quede solo como un machón oscuro e insignificante al elevarse todos los verdaderos valores.
Desearía decir más , pero no soy tan locuaz
Solo expresar que trabajos como estos son, en su abstracción, tan humanos, tan expresivos que me admiran... Felicitaciones Aljona Shapovalova.
I acknowledge that I am not a common observer ... I try to penetrate the work, elucidate his conscious message and his subconscious message ...
I know that a collage is not a simple cut, compose, paste, paint ... No matter the techniques used ... The total of the work, the finished work, is like an intimate letter to the heart of the observer ...
In my case, I receive it and thus I decipher it, so I read it.
The text on the left ... put to read, is the opening, with it is entered this little great world that I will call "Incognitos del retrato"
Each portrait is a mystery that is reflected not only in the face, but also in the whole body of a character, it is a unity. I have seen many portraits, varied techniques ... Not all give the observer indications of the feeling of the person portrayed This would be the main criticism expressed in the opening text ... I have not looked for the indicated painter but when a short review with the best Edge is often right.
This book moves me to comment that when people are on the verge of an abyss they hold a thread and discover that they have an identity, a series of values that they have not seen before. That when passing the rake leaves rocks and weeds and everything is going ordering ... like in a garden. Nevertheless it is necessary to rise, as does this person I see in the background, where wrinkled paper is like the scars but the strength that is acquired in that fact of rising, of being recognized, of being unique, make the abyss that appeared as Solution remains only as a dark and insignificant blur as all true values rise.
I would like to say more, but I'm not so talkative
Just to say that works like these are, in their abstraction, so human, so expressive that they admire me ... Congratulations Aljona Shapovalova.
I acknowledge that I am not a common observer ... I try to penetrate the work, elucidate his conscious message and his subconscious message ...
I know that a collage is not a simple cut, compose, paste, paint ... No matter the techniques used ... The total of the work, the finished work, is like an intimate letter to the heart of the observer ...
In my case, I receive it and thus I decipher it, so I read it.
The text on the left ... put to read, is the opening, with it is entered this little great world that I will call "Incognitos del retrato"
Each portrait is a mystery that is reflected not only in the face, but also in the whole body of a character, it is a unity. I have seen many portraits, varied techniques ... Not all give the observer indications of the feeling of the person portrayed This would be the main criticism expressed in the opening text ... I have not looked for the indicated painter but when a short review with the best Edge is often right.
This book moves me to comment that when people are on the verge of an abyss they hold a thread and discover that they have an identity, a series of values that they have not seen before. That when passing the rake leaves rocks and weeds and everything is going ordering ... like in a garden. Nevertheless it is necessary to rise, as does this person I see in the background, where wrinkled paper is like the scars but the strength that is acquired in that fact of rising, of being recognized, of being unique, make the abyss that appeared as Solution remains only as a dark and insignificant blur as all true values rise.
I would like to say more, but I'm not so talkative
Just to say that works like these are, in their abstraction, so human, so expressive that they admire me ... Congratulations Aljona Shapovalova.
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