Amir procesa sus propios pensamientos como un científico
analiza un cuerpo, en especial el cuerpo
humano, pero esta vez se propuso
profundizar y hallar donde, como, cuando
se desarrolla eso que comúnmente llamamos pensamiento. Como en la ciencia actual
que se llama Neurociencia, percibe que
es en ese centro vital que habitualmente
llamamos “cabeza” y está protegido por un casco resistente, el
cerebro. No es fácil con cerámica
expresar lo que ve o presiente le
mostrará la disección, no ya de la parte física si no de los propios
pensamientos, su espacio, esos rincones que imagina son especiales. Entonces empiezan a
emerger, como en un hiceberg formas,
actitudes, secretos, eso escondido en las profundidades y sabemos están en el cerebro; en que, lo más visible
son sus cinco ventanas al
exterior, que los procesos para
formar pensamientos, para ubicar su espacio, abarcan la totalidad del ser pero en una individualidad clara y
precisa. Quien disecciona lo hace para
que sea visto el resultado `pero a su vez es algo muy individual,
personal…. Una forma de ver el universo.
Ser creativo es
ser perceptivo, expresivo,
indagador, no ceder a conformismos,
todo es objeto de análisis, de propuestas, buscar caminos y cuando la
herramienta expresiva está en las
manos, en la arcilla vemos como esos espacios
de pensamientos se abren y muestran caminos insospechados como ser la propia energía que sale desde nosotros
mismos . Porque Amir Tavallai
descubre que Espacios de
pensamientos siempre fluyen… ¡más allá
de nuestro propio ser!
©copyright Antonio Guzzo
nov. 2017
Espacios de Pensamientos
Amir processes his own thoughts as a scientist analyzes a
body, especially the human body, but this time he set out to deepen and find
where, how, when, what we commonly call thought is developed. As in the current
science called Neuroscience, he perceives that it is in that vital center that
we usually call "head" and is protected by a resistant helmet, the
brain. It is not easy with ceramics to express what you see or prescient will
show you the dissection, not of the physical part but of your own thoughts,
your space, those corners that you imagine are special. Then they begin to
emerge, as in a Haceberg forms, attitudes, secrets, that hidden in the depths
and we know they are in the brain; in which the most visible are its five
windows to the outside, that the processes to form thoughts, to locate their
space, encompass the totality of being but in a clear and precise
individuality. Who dissects does it so that the result is seen `but at the same
time it is something very individual, personal .... A way of seeing the
Being creative is being perceptive, expressive, inquiring, not giving in to conformism, everything is the object of analysis, of proposals, looking for ways and when the expressive tool is in the hands, in clay we see how those thought spaces open and show paths Unsuspected as being the own energy that comes from ourselves. Because Amir Tavallai discovers that Spaces of thoughts always flow ... beyond our own being!....
Being creative is being perceptive, expressive, inquiring, not giving in to conformism, everything is the object of analysis, of proposals, looking for ways and when the expressive tool is in the hands, in clay we see how those thought spaces open and show paths Unsuspected as being the own energy that comes from ourselves. Because Amir Tavallai discovers that Spaces of thoughts always flow ... beyond our own being!....
©copyright Antonio Guzzo nov. 2017
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