El tiempo y la distancia
Distancia es el tiempo necesario para llegar a algo o hacia algún lugar….
Tiempo, es el camino a recorrer y que determina la distancia al objetivo….
Dos conceptos complementarios e indefectiblemente unidos, tienen una suerte de equivalencia y es lo que muestra la artista, dos espacios con una aproximación de tonos, intentando mostrar lo abstracto de estos pensamientos, mientras que un puente atraviesa esa espacialidad uniendo lo material, la materialidad de las ideas…. Nos dice con sus construcciones, con su puente, la voluntad necesaria para unir, para superar la pura materialidad y la pura abstracción, nos dice que los dos componentes van unidos …. Y yo agrego…. Como el alma al cuerpo… o la psique y somos indisolubles.
Magnifica obra de Aljona Shapovalova…. He quedado latiendo… palpitando-
Distance is the time to get to something or going somewhere ....
Time, is the way to go and that determines the distance to the target ....
Two complementary and unfailingly united concepts, have a kind of equivalence and is showing the artist, two spaces with an approximation of tones, trying to show the abstract of these thoughts, while a bridge crosses the spatiality joining material, materiality of the Ideas .... He says with his constructions, with its bridge, the necessary will to unite to overcome the pure materiality and pure abstraction, tells us that the two components are linked .... And I add .... Like the soul to the body or psyche ... and we are indissoluble.
Aljona Shapovalova magnificent work of .... I've been left pulsating ... palpitating
Time, is the way to go and that determines the distance to the target ....
Two complementary and unfailingly united concepts, have a kind of equivalence and is showing the artist, two spaces with an approximation of tones, trying to show the abstract of these thoughts, while a bridge crosses the spatiality joining material, materiality of the Ideas .... He says with his constructions, with its bridge, the necessary will to unite to overcome the pure materiality and pure abstraction, tells us that the two components are linked .... And I add .... Like the soul to the body or psyche ... and we are indissoluble.
Aljona Shapovalova magnificent work of .... I've been left pulsating ... palpitating
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