La sustancia de esta obra son los colores, las pinceladas,
los trazos, el direccionamiento.
La estructura horizontal predomina, es determinante, aplaca
el excedente de energía, de voluntad creadora. Los colores puros, azul, rojo,
verde, son una constante de la paleta de
Galya Nikolova. En esta ocasión fraccionados, distribuidos en este díptico,
flotan, por así decirlo y el amarillo, aun con su propia fuerza se mantiene unido a un fondo que poco a poco
llega hasta el negro casi sin matices
intermedios. Aun en su abstracción pura esconde lecturas figurativas
conforme cada mirada y tiene unos rasgos
de perspectiva que movilizan el predominio ortogonal. Perderse en esta obra es
un ejercicio excelente para descubrir ese bullir creativo propio de la autora.
Traducido mediante Google - Translated by Google
The substance of this work are the colors, brush strokes, strokes, addressing.
The horizontal structure predominates, is decisive, calms the energy surplus of creative will. Pure, blue, red, green, colors are a constant palette Galya Nikolova. This split time, distributed in this leaflet, float, so to speak and yellow, even with their own strength remains attached to a fund that gradually comes to almost black shades in between. Even in its pure abstraction hides figurative readings as each look and has some traits which mobilize the orthogonal perspective dominance. Lost in this work is an excellent time to discover the own creative bubbling of the author exercise
Traducido mediante Google - Translated by Google
The substance of this work are the colors, brush strokes, strokes, addressing.
The horizontal structure predominates, is decisive, calms the energy surplus of creative will. Pure, blue, red, green, colors are a constant palette Galya Nikolova. This split time, distributed in this leaflet, float, so to speak and yellow, even with their own strength remains attached to a fund that gradually comes to almost black shades in between. Even in its pure abstraction hides figurative readings as each look and has some traits which mobilize the orthogonal perspective dominance. Lost in this work is an excellent time to discover the own creative bubbling of the author exercise
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